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Growing an Effective Girls Ministry walks you step by step through the DREAM, BUILD, LEAD, and IMPROVE phases of growing a girls ministry that meets the specific needs of teen girls in your context. It's like having a mentor in your pocket!

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What youth ministry experts are saying about
Growing an Effective Girls Ministry from the Ground Up
Sarah Wooten
Oklahoma Baptists
There are lots of books on the why of girls ministry. This book conquers the how. It's like having a wise mentor walk you through the dream, build, lead, and improve phases of girls ministry. If you work in girls ministry, this is a must-read!
Ryan Fontenot
R.A.G.E. ministries
Sanders provides step-by-step advice rooted in biblical principles, making it easy to understand and apply. This book is not only informative, but also inspiring, giving leaders the tools they need to make a lasting difference in the lives of the girls they serve.
Chris Trent
Georgia Baptist Mission Board
If there has ever been a time to seriously consider developing a girls ministry in your church, it's now. This book serves as a blueprint for churches of every size to either start or reevaluate how they are investing in the spiritual lives of girls. I highly recommend it!
Jay Barbier
Tennessee Baptist Mission Board
This is a resource that every church can benefit from. Angela gives a very pointed and practical strategy to do ministry. Too often, books give us reasons without solutions, but not this time. I'm grateful for this engaging tool. This is a timeless must-read if you want to grow and engage girls ministry.
Shane Pruitt
North American Mission Board
My friend Angela is one of the most strategic and impactful leaders I know when it comes to the evangelism and discipleship of teen girls. Her experience, wisdom, and intentionality come out in this book. Whether you're in a local church or serving in an on-campus ministry, this is a resource you definitely need!