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Pj’s and Ashes

Todd snores when he sleeps sometimes…and talks…and beeps (don’t even ask me what that’s about)…and hums (entire bars of his favorite...


When our Hopie girl went to kids’ camp for the first time, I gave her a fistful of spending money to last her the week.   Eyes wide,...

Dear Luke

When my kids were small and I was feeling sad, they knew it. Unable to comprehend what I was going through because they were just kids...

Death by Stage

Yesterday, I had the privilege of speaking at the State Evangelism Conference for the Baptist General Convention of Oklahoma in the...

His Big World

When Hope was small, her favorite phrase was “in my little world.” We heard it mostly when she didn’t get her way or when punishment for...

Making Room

Yesterday, I ran into a friend that I haven’t seen in a very long time, a lost friend whose salvation I have prayed for with a deep ache...

Your Gift

If you are reading this post, please know that the gift of Jesus Christ that I and so many others are celebrating this Christmas is just...

Something Wonderful!

I love fall. The clean-window effect of the chilling, changing atmosphere; the quick sting and tickle of match smoke; the heady, drowsy...

Getting What I Want for Christmas

Well, I’ve made my Christmas list. It’s what we do at our house, not because we are greedy and want to make sure we get things we like,...

What are we waiting for?

Do you ever get tired? Not physically tired… not even emotionally tired, really, but just flat out tired deep down in your soul? I do. As...


I’m about to get brutally candid here. Ready? I’m not sure that I am, but here it goes, for whatever it’s worth. I was saved when I was...

Learning the Language

Back in the day, when Todd was a youth minister on church staff, we had the privilege of working with a young man named Rusty.  An...

Our Court

As I pray this morning, it occurs to me that much of what I ask for, peace, courage, direction, discernment, etc. already belong to me....

This Yellow Brick Road

One of the things that I loved most about the many years that Todd and I spent in youth ministry was the enthusiasm and passion of the...

Credit Card Parenting

Credit cards can be good, and credit cards can be bad.  It depends on how you use them. If you use credit cards to pay for necessary...

The Deep End

These days, a piece of paper that says you have achieved something is often more sought after than actual knowledge and achievement. Just...

An Unauthorized Biography (ish)

Todd and I are leading a parenting conference this weekend.  During the conference, Todd will take the men into the gym for a...

Enough is Enough

I haven’t watched the ISIS beheading videos, and I don’t intend to. I don’t need to be reminded to be afraid. I do read articles about...

The Plague

It’s a scary thing to realize that your child has been bitten by the entitlement bug. Just when you think you’ve made it through the...

Mentor Me

Church people use the word “discipleship” a lot these days, but not like they used to, and I have to say that I’m kind of glad. Five to...

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